
Ode to the Tawny Owl
There is always the urge to
renew. In this album, more than ever before, Nynke looks for the music within
language itself. In addition to the songs, the album contains a
seven-minute-long spoken poem, in which she lets the sounds of her mother
tongue, Frisian, guide her towards the meaning. It is an intense ode to the
tawny owl, a model of patience and alertness; a bird that can harness its
strength and take action at exactly the right moment. It truly knows how to
wait. In the songs, a world unfolds in which Nynke extols the search for unity:
the unity of man and woman, of man and nature, of life and death.
Nynke writes and produces the album with her husband, Sytze Pruiksma, and records everything at home. The cello, played by Geneviève Verhage, plays a central role. The arrangements were written by Sebastiaan Koolhoven. Sytze plays all the other instruments, including the piano, marimba, dulcimer and percussion, and also programmes the beats. The album was mixed by Sebastiaan Meijer and mastered by Darcy Proper. Else Boekema was in charge of design (Harlingse Boys). On the cover is a photo by Graham McGeorge: a tawny owl, waiting motionlessly, at one with its environment.
Reviews of Wachter (‘Guardian’)
“Passionate poetry and deeply-felt singing.” - Jos Schuring, Scènes
“Wachter (‘Guardian’) is an album of discovery and a compelling ode to the saintly patience of waiting. Coming to a standstill as progress." - Niels Steeghs, KindaMuzik
“The voice, the
percussion and the cello form a magnificent trinity.” - Hessel
Fluitman, Friesch Dagblad
“A powerful
poet and equally powerful singer has arisen.” - Saskia Törnqvist, Het Parool
Parool - Saskia Törnqvist
“Een krachtige dichteres en dito zangeres is opgestaan.”
KindaMuzik - Niels Steeghs
“Wachter is een ontdekplaat en een ijzersterke ode aan de engelengeduldige kunst van het wachten. Stilstand als vooruitgang.”
Scènes - Jos Schuring
“Gedreven poëzie en sterk ingeleefde zang.”
Friesch Dagblad - Hessel Fluitman
“Stem, slagwerk en cello vormen een prachtige drie-eenheid.”