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dit tij, it is nije leafde, it skuort oan my
wa kin sizze dat er net bang is, in dei
komt de keamer yn, hy dûnset as in tol
de wolken binne der ek en alles wachtet

ferjitte bestiet net, de neisimmer bûcht
fan langstme asto wer op my takomst
do rûkst reader no, ik staverje dyn stal
yn ’e krante, yn ’e koelkast, yn ’e tafel

ik soe it skrieme wolle, hâld my wer fêst
fannacht, wês it weefsel ûnder myn hûd

alles is kommende, de leafde stoarmet
om ús hinne, ik til dy op en do leist dy
del foar my, ús stimmen meitsje begjin
fan in wrâld dy’t allinne wy mar kenne

do bist myn man hjoed, myn frijerman
do rôlest dyn hûd nei my ta, myn hert
leit al klear, en ik, ik wol dy
ik wol dy, allinne dy, do dripst as rein

ik soe it skrieme wolle, hâld my wer fêst
fannacht, wês it weefsel ûnder myn hûd

en dat djippe wetter asto fuortgien bist
hoe’t ik fierder fan dy drink, de rein falt
swiete drippen op ’e hûd, it rút stiet iepen
en leafde, kom as in wolk, kom dizze dei

Lyrics: Albertina Soepboer // Music: Tiago Machado // English translation: Susan Massotty

De Maisfrou

De Maisfrou, 2006



this tide—it’s new love, it tugs at me
who can swear he’s not afraid, a day
comes into the room, it dances like a top
the clouds are here too, and everything waits

it’s impossible to forget, late summer bends
with longing when you come to me again
you smell more red now, I see your image
in the paper, in the fridge, in the table

I’d like to shout: hold me tight again
tonight, be the tissue under my skin

everything is yet to come, love storms
all around us, I lift you up and you lie
down in front of me, our voices lost
in a world of our own making

you’re mine today, my lover man
you roll your skin towards me, my heart
is ready, and I—I want you
I want you, only you, dripping like rain

I’d like to shout: hold me tight again
tonight, be the tissue under my skin

as for the deep pool you leave behind
however much of you I drink, it rains
sweet drops on my skin, the window’s open
so come like a cloud, love, come today

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